ORCHESTRATING SONORITIES TO LINKING: ICMus Dispositive for adults in Psychiatric Rehabilitation


  • Maria Fernanda Barbaresco * Asociación Civil ICMus (Investigación, Clí­nica y Comunidad Musicoterapéutica), Bs. As., Argentina.* ASST (Asociación Sociosanitaria Territorial) del Garda, Departamento de Salud Mental, Comunidad Protegida Alta, Salò (BS), Italia.
  • Giovanni Galli ASST del Garda, Departamento de Salud Mental, Brescia, Italia.
  • Giovanna Castagnero ASST del Garda, Departamento de Salud Mental, Salò (BS), Italia.
  • Francesco Maria Saviotti ASST del Garda, Departamento de Salud Mental, Brescia, Italia.




Music therapy, Research, Sonorous notables fields, Psyche, Linking group


The article sums up a mixed research experience belonging to a brief program of Music therapy, developed in group workshops weekly for 5 months of the year 2016. The participants were adults with psychiatric diagnosis in rehabilitation of the Department of Mental Health from an italian public institution. The project aimed to assess the music therapeutic practice evidence-based with main reference concepts published by team ICMus (Music therapy Research, Clinical and Community), and is characterized by having a double goal of care and investigate work: Awareness of strengths and weaknesses for coping in everyday life, with empowerment of intra and interpersonal capabilities for greater deployment of expression and potential creativity. Description and analysis of the individual sonorous-notables fields and its relationship with a selection of psychological variables, and psychosonorous aesthetics in groups which formed the basis of the process of subjectivation and health. As methodology there were applied preliminary individual interviews and music therapeutic group sessions, driven by listening to the uniqueness and the emerging relational collective. Registration and processing of data was carried out through self-assessment completed by own client, arrays and protocols with verification of professionals in 3 countries. The result was the mark that indicates the title of the study: a device established, an empirical investigation and a limited time who knew how to integrate sonorities at the service of the group interconnectedness.


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Author Biographies

Maria Fernanda Barbaresco, * Asociación Civil ICMus (Investigación, Clí­nica y Comunidad Musicoterapéutica), Bs. As., Argentina.* ASST (Asociación Sociosanitaria Territorial) del Garda, Departamento de Salud Mental, Comunidad Protegida Alta, Salò (BS), Italia.

Degree in Music therapy, Department of Medicine, at Salvador University, Buenos Aires, Argentine. Researcher and co-founder of the team ICMus (Music Therapy Research, Clinical and Community). Co-author of the book Music and Psyche: The Psychosonorous Aspects. Buenos Aires: Ed. ICMus, 2006. Music therapist of the Mental Health Service at ASST (Territorial Social Healthcare Association) of Garda and the Psychosocial Residence for disabled people at FoBAP (Bresciana Healthcare Foundation in Psycho-handicapped), Italy. Music therapist working for 20 years on: Integral training development for companies, Promotion and prevention, Clinic, Rehabilitation and Palliative care of the Health in Argentina, Mexico and Italy. Tango therapist and Tango singer with international intervention.Contact: barbaresco.mf@gmail.com

Giovanni Galli, ASST del Garda, Departamento de Salud Mental, Brescia, Italia.

Professional therapist and doctor from Italy, at ASST del Garda, Department of Mental Health, Community Protected High (CPA), Salò city (BS): Dr. Giovanni Galli (psychiatrist), Giovanna Castegnero (health educator), Dr. Francesco M. Saviotti (medical director of the Psychiatry Service). Contact: giovanni.galli@asst-garda.i

Giovanna Castagnero, ASST del Garda, Departamento de Salud Mental, Salò (BS), Italia.

Educadora sanitaria del Departamento de Salud Mentalde la ASST del Garda, Comunidad Protegida Alta (CPA), sede Salò (BS), Italia.

Francesco Maria Saviotti, ASST del Garda, Departamento de Salud Mental, Brescia, Italia.

Director Médico Psiquiatra delDepartamento de Salud Mentalde la ASST del Garda, Brescia-Verona, Italia.



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