Welcome to the Journals Gateway – State University of Paraná (Unespar, Brazil). On this page you will have free access to all the journals published by our university. The portal aims to ensure the data storage and digital preservation of all journals. Its creation was a partnership between the Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, through its Editorial Board, and the Information Technology Board of Unespar, in celebration of the university's 10th anniversary.


  • International Interdisciplinary Journal of Visual Arts - Art&Sensorium

    The International Interdisciplinary Journal of Visual Arts Art&Sensorium (eISSN- 2358-0437 - Qualis A3) is a Continuous Publication of the Universidade Estadual do Paraná (UNESPAR). Its aim is the publication of original academic articles and essays in Portuguese, Spanish or English language, on issues related to visual arts such as History and Theory of Art, Visual Poetics (processes of Creation) and interdisciplinary bridges with other areas of knowledge, keeping the focus on art. Authors from Brazil and abroad are welcome to participate. Book reviews in these same lines of research are also accepted. 

  • Ensino & Pesquisa

    Ensino & Pesquisa (Teaching & Research) is an interdisciplinary journal of the State University of Paraná (UNESPAR), Center for Humanities and Education. Its objective is to publish scientific articles focused on undergraduate and teacher education. Submissions are streaming and can be done in preprint format (Quadrennial Classification 2013-2016 - Teaching B1).


    A revista Luminária é um periódico semestral vinculado ao Centro de Ciências Exatas e Biológicas da Universidade Estadual do Paraná – UNESPAR, campus de União da Vitória. Trata-se de uma revista cientí­fica de caráter interdisciplinar com finalidade de publicar artigos cientí­ficos das diferentes áreas de conhecimento, incluindo as Ciências Exatas e Biológicas. Participam deste periódico cientí­fico pesquisadores de diversas Instituições, sendo que a proposta primordial é oferecer a todos os interessados um espaço para divulgação de suas produções cientí­ficas, com o foco multidisciplinar. A Revista apresenta fluxo contí­nuo para submissão de textos.

  • O Mosaico

    O Mosaico - Revista de Pesquisa em Artes [ISSN: 2175-0769] is a biannual publication, in digital format, on the website of the journals of the Universidade Estadual do Paraná (UNESPAR) - campus II, Curitiba - Faculdade de Artes do Paraná (FAP). The journal O Mosaico, started in 2009 by the FAP Research and Postgraduate sector with a group of professors from the institution, aims to disseminate articles, essays, reviews, interviews, translations and descriptive memorials, in two forms: a) Thematic Dossier, with a previously defined period and theme; b) Continuous Flow to receive works located in the areas of Visual Arts, Video Arts, Performing Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music and Theater, in its most varied forms of disciplinary analysis, thus fostering the exchange between students / undergraduates and researchers (graduates, specialists, masters, doctors, post-doctors) from several national and international educational institutions. Articles outside the domain of the Arts will be automatically rejected. All articles published in the journal are evaluated by our Editorial Board, or, when appropriate, by the ad-hoc evaluation of specialists invited to issue opinions.

  • American Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

    The American Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (RAEI) is the official journal of the Department of Administration - Paraná State University (Unespar), Campus Paranaguá. RAEI has a quarterly periodicity, it aims to disseminate scientific articles, literature review and case reports in an interdisciplinary way. Continuous flow.

    Qualis - B4

  • Revista Cientí­fica/FAP

    Revista Científica/FAP (ISSN 1980-5071 - Qualis A4) is an open access electronic arts journal. It is a biannual publication of the State University of Paraná - UNESPAR / Curitiba II Campus - Faculty of Arts of Paraná (FAP), which was created in 2006. The aim of the journal is to publish articles, essays, reviews, interviews and translations by authors with Master's Degrees or Doctorates in the field of Arts, including: Visual Arts; Photography; Video Arts; Cinema; Dance; Performing Arts or Theatre; Performance; Music. Proposals can relate to other disciplinary fields, based on a wide variety of theoretical approaches.
    Authors can be linked to national or international institutions and the journal accepts papers written in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French.
    Indexed in Latindex (international) and Sumários (national), the Journal works on a call system by Dossier (with pre-defined themes and call periods) or by continuous flow.

  • Revista Educação e Linguagens

    A Revista Educação e Linguagens é uma publicação semestral vinculada aos cursos de Pedagogia e de Letras da Universidade Estadual do Paraná - Unespar/Campus de Campo Mourão, e recebe manuscritos em fluxo contínuo voltados para as áreas de educação, literatura e linguística. O periódico está disponível em versão eletrônica e tem por objetivo criar um espaço interdisciplinar para a publicação de resultados de pesquisa e trabalhos de diferentes enfoques, além de apontar alternativas a modelos estabelecidos e buscar perspectivas que indiquem novos paradigmas e caminhos a serem percorridos.

  • InCantare


    InCantare Magazine is a biannual publication of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and Research in Music Therapy at the Faculty of Arts of Paraná. The magazine was created in 2010, titled NEPIM and in 2012 it was renamed to InCantare. It has an interdisciplinary character and is dedicated to the publication of original and unpublished articles by authors affiliated with research groups, which bring contributions to the field of Music Therapy, Music, Education, Health and related areas. Currently, the journal is indexed in the Sumários (national), Latindex (Latin American), and Copernicus (international) databases. Contributions sent by authors will be subjected to a blind peer review process by at least two reviewers plus editors' review.

  • Revista Geomae - Geografia Meio Ambiente e Ensino

    A Revista GEOMAE foi criada pelo departamento de Geografia, da Faculdade Estadual de Ciências e Letras de Campo Mourão, com intuito de publicar resultados de pesquisas e experiências realizadas nas áreas do conhecimento científico, que tenham relação com a Geografia, Meio Ambiente e Ensino. Para tanto, aceita trabalhos na forma de artigo completo, experiências pedagógicas, notas, resenhas e entrevistas.

  • Revista Paranaense de Educação Matemática

    The Revista Paranaense de Educação Matemática (RPEM) is a quarterly publication of the Post-Graduate Program in Mathematical Education (PRPGEM) of the State University of Paraná (UNESPAR). With RPEM, we aim to disseminate Brazilian and international research in mathematics education, as well as contribute to the professional development of teachers who teach mathematics, as well as other related areas, seeking to strengthen this field of research and teaching. We invite all those who share our aims to submit their work to our journal, so that we can build together another means of reflection on mathematical education.

  • Revista NUPEM

    The NUPEM Journal is a four-monthly publication linked to the Interdisciplinary Society and Development Graduate Program – PPGSeD of the State University of Paraná – Campo Mourão Campus and it receives manuscripts in a continuous flow turned to the Social and Humanities area. The journal is available in an electronic version and is aimed at providing an opportunity to the academic community to disseminate and show the results of the researches, to open situation for scientific and technological debate, besides creating the conditions for the ideas to circulate and provoke the change of paradigms. Open Access Policy: this journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

  • Revista Paranaense de Filosofia

    A Revista Paranaense de Filosofia (ISSN 2763-9657) tem como principal objetivo publicar trabalhos inéditos de pós-graduandos, mestre e doutores que promovam a disseminação de estudos e pesquisas nas inúmeras áreas da Filosofia. Os textos divulgados deverão ter o formato de artigos, resenhas, traduções ou entrevistas de profissionais relevantes no cenário filosófico. A publicação da revista é de responsabilidade do curso de Filosofia da Universidade Estadual do Paraná (UNESPAR).

  • Vortex Music Journal

    The Vórtex Music Journal (ISSN 2317-9937) is an open access journal dedicated to music, within the following thematic fields: Creation, Aesthetics, Music Composition; Musical Performance; Analysis Perception, and Music Theory; Musicology and Ethnomusicology; Computer Music and Music Technology. The Editorial Policy encourages the submission of works on a continuous basis, in Portuguese, English or Spanish, in the formats of article, review, translation, and interview. The submitted papers are evaluated on a double blind peer review basis and, when published, are deposited and indexed in several bibliometric databases, such as DOAJ, Web of Science, RILM, Google Scholar etc.

  • Revista Saúde & Comunidade

    Revista Saúde & Comunidade (ISSN 2764-4421) é um periódico científico de publicação fluxo contínuo, vinculado ao Colegiado de Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual do Paraná (UNESPAR), campus Paranavaí. Sua missão é disseminar conhecimentos inter e multidisciplinares na área de saúde, bem como fomentar o desenvolvimento e intercâmbio intelectual, profissional e cultural entre pesquisadores, docentes, discentes e profissionais atuantes nas diversas áreas que envolvem a saúde humana.

  • Revista FormAção

    A Revista FormAção vincula-se ao Programa de Pós-Graduação do Mestrado em Ensino: Formação Docente Interdisciplinar (PPIFOR), da Universidade Estadual do Paraná, Campus Paranavaí (UNESPAR-Pvaí), seu escopo tem verticalidade ao ensino no tocante da abordagem do conhecimento multi, pluri, inter e transdisciplinar.

  • HATARI! Revista de Cinema

    Hatari! Revista de Cinema (ISSN 2675-0783) is the result of an extension project from the Cinema and Audiovisual Course from Unespar, Curitiba II Campus. It gathers texts produced by its members, which are the result of movie watching and discussions about cinema. Every semester a new theme is chosen so that it is possible to deepen and produce about different cinematographies and different genres.

  • Capacitação

    This is a TEST magazine created to empower UNESPAR editorial teams. If you are an author, please do not submit any content to this magazine.