Letramento Estatístico
um estudo sobre sua presença na BNCC e em planos de aula
This study analyzes the levels of statistical literacy proposed by the BNCC and the lesson plans available on a digital platform. The aim is to compare the progression of literacy throughout the school years, seeking to identify correlations between what is recommended by the BNCC and what is provided by the lesson plans. To this end, we suggest breakdowns of the proposed levels of statistical literacy and, in the light of Textual Discourse Analysis, we catalog and identify the level of statistical literacy for each school year, for the BNCC and for the lesson plans. With this study, we concluded that the lesson plans are, in general, aligned with the BNCC, but when we look individually at each development, we don't get the same result, containing divergences in what is expected from graphical and tabular comprehension.
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