The music course at the university

the inclusion of deaf people from the curriculum matrices




Licenciatura em Música, Inclusão Social, Surdez


The inclusion and teaching of music for deaf individuals are topics that have been discussed and have been taking up an increasingly prominent place in Brazilian universities. However, there are still limitations in the organization of political projects and public education that aim to raise awareness of this population and enable the necessary conditions for effective education. This paper, of an exploratory qualitative nature, investigates the availability of tools and the theme of social inclusion and the teaching of music to deaf individuals in undergraduate courses. First, a documentary research was carried out, collecting data of the curriculum of music education programs at public universities in the South, Southeast, and Midwest regions of Brazil was conducted and a brief search of some resources used in the teaching of music to deaf individuals. As a result, we found glossaries in Brazilian Sign Language developed for music education, software that transforms sound stimuli into visual stimuli, and devices that enhance the vibrational sensations of sound absorbed by the body. However, there was also noted a disparity in the teaching of Brazilian Sign Language and in courses related to the topic of social inclusion among music education programs, which can impact the training of future teachers, as well as hinder the development and access to truly inclusive music education.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Aparecido Vicente, UNESPAR - Campus de Curitiba II

Professor Adjunto do bacharelado em Musicoterapia da UNESPAR - Campus de Curitiba II. É bacharel em Música Popular (2010) e doutor em Música pela UNICAMP (2014).

Laís Pinguello, UNESPAR - Campus de Curitiba II

Atualmente cursando Bacharelado em Musicoterapia pela Universidade Estadual do Paraná - UNESPAR Campus Curitiba II. Formada no Curso Técnico em Informática Integrado ao Ensino Médio pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina - IFSC Campus Chapecó (2019).

