musical development as a basis for interpretation of evaluation scale in music




Musical development; Music assessment; Scales; Music therapy; Music education.


Musical development, in general, follows a typical and observable pattern and, in music, the evaluation scales help in pointing out the current state of development of the student/patient treated, including musical development. In this sense, the present work, of the Narrative Review type, aimed to verify the possible interfaces between musical development and the interpretation of evaluation scales in music. To this end, the authors condensed the milestones of musical development informed by the studies by Kenney (2008), Parizzi (2009) and Monteiro (2011) and reflected on the applicability of knowledge of such milestones combined with the correct understanding of evaluation scales in music.


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Author Biographies

Ettore José Filippi Carlo, Clínica Neurosinc

He holds a degree in Music Therapy from the Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (2020) and a postgraduate degree in neurosciences from the Teaching and Research Center of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. Currently, as a clinician, he is active in the rehabilitation and rehabilitation of neurological patients in multidisciplinary clinics and music therapy clinics. He also performs clinical supervision with music therapists from different states in Brazil. As a teacher and researcher, he teaches classes and courses on music therapy and neurosciences and conducts research in the areas of music therapy and rehabilitation / habilitation of the neurological patient, music in the evocation and generation of movements, music and sleep and music processing.

Gleisson Oliveira, UERN

Music Educator and Music Therapist. Doctor, Mestre and Graduate in Music from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Specialist in Music Therapy by the Fênix Institute of Teaching and Research. He develops research about the relationship between music and human development, with emphasis on the effects of music on people with autism. Author of the DEMUCA Scale (Musical Development Scale for Children with Autism) and PROEME (Organizing Protocol for Special Musical Education).

