Reflections on the concepts of Meyer's Theory of Styles for musical performance
Musical style, Musical performance, Musical interpretation, Idiom, MeyerAbstract
This article aims to present reflections on style as a multifaceted concept that goes beyond the question of era/period in a certain cultural tradition, involving ideological and psychological aspects. Strands in reference to style are revealed through expression (composition and performance/interpretation), organization (analysis) and reception (listening). For Meyer, the characterization of styles is dependent on levels of restriction in the musical language, namely: laws, rules and strategies. This set of restrictions is further demarcated according to the language and dialect shared and/or singularized in a given region and time. Since this postulation presents a theoretical-musicological and, above all, compositional perspective, this article proposes a consideration of the path towards the construction of styles in musical performance, proposing an inverse arrangement to the order of the elements of the Theory, with mainly the language as the guiding element to enhance choices for building a performance.
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