An expert pianist's strategies for learning a song from a lead sheet
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Music cognition, Musical expertise, Pedagogy of popular piano, Practice strategies, Think-aloud protocolAbstract
The purpose of this research was to investigate practice strategies that an expert pianist used while learning a new music from a lead sheet. Two practice sessions were held, both involving the application of the concurrent think-aloud protocol, in which the pianist verbally reported her thoughts while learning the music, and retrospective think-aloud, applied minutes later, in which she watched a recording of her own performance. The sessions were recorded, transcribed and submitted to a content analysis. Results showed 15 practice strategies used by the pianist, which were categorized based on information encoding components in memory. It was also observed that the learning of this music involved different strategies in relation to learning music from musical score. The use of these strategies can provide pedagogical tools to be used by piano teachers and students to learn music from lead sheet.
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