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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submissions are published continuously. The evaluation process takes up to 6 months.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not under evaluation for publication by another journal; otherwise, you should justify it in "Comments to editor".
  • The manuscript is prepared for double-blind review (no identification of authors in the manuscript).
  • Each author may publish one paper every 12 months [does not apply to the "Music and Women" dossier]. The 12-month period starts from the submission date. This rule also applies to co-authorship.
  • The text is in Portuguese, English or Spanish and complies with ABNT standards. For non-Brazilian authors, follow the rules and guidelines for authors available in the "Submissions" tab (see file "template.docx").
  • The work is within one of the following thematic areas (Music):
    - Sound Creation and Musical Composition;
    - Music Computing and Music Technology;
    - Sound Studies and Sonology;
    - Aesthetics and Philosophy of Music
    - Music Performance;
    - Analysis, Perception and Music Theory;
    - Musicology and Ethnomusicology;
    - Popular Music.
  • Vortex only accepts submissions in which at least one of the authors holds a doctoral title, except in the case of a senior author with proven experience.
  • Authors must have participated sufficiently in the work for their names to be listed as (co-)authors. Declaring each researcher's contributions to the work is fundamental to the transparency of the process. It ensures that all collaborators receive due recognition for their specific roles, increasing credibility in the work. In case of doubt, we recommend consulting the CRediT Taxonomy.
  • All authors who participated in the paper are declared in this submission (name, email, and Orcid). The first author will be considered as correspondence author.
  • I am aware of the contents of the document Editorial Policy e Evaluation
  • All published papers are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International CC-BY.

Author Guidelines


• Article: between 6.000 and 10.000 words counted only in the body text.
• Review: maximum of 3.000 words counted only in the body text.
• Translation: of works by other authors, relevant to the academic community, and not available as open access.
Interview with people considered relevant to the area.

Download our Template DOCX


Note #1: REVIEW submissions must contain an identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the work reviewed in terms of its structure, content, style, clarity, consistency of language used, and the work's relevance and significance to the field of study/area it covers. It should provide specific examples or other evidence to support its assessment.

Note #2: TRANSLATION submissions must contain basic information about the translation project, such as the title of the original text, its production context, and its relevance to the field of study/area to which it belongs, as well as the justifications for its publication in Portuguese; the name of the translator, the date of the translation, the authorization of the publication rights holder for the translation, and any other details considered relevant by the translator.

Note #3: Focusing on publications in the area of Creation (composition, arrangement, improvisation, performance, artistic research, etc.), as of June/2023 the Vortex Music Journal will publish ARTISTIC WORKS (scores, audio, video etc.) by invitation only. The Editorial Board curates and defines artists with recognized trajectories and/or impacts on the artistic community who will be invited to participate in each issue.

Note #4: Aimed at publications in the field of Musicology, as of June/2023 the Vortex Music Journal will only publish SCORES as attachments to the articles. Thus, the practice of publishing scores (manuscripts, originals, transcriptions, arrangements, etc.) must be accompanied by discussion in the category of full articles.

Note #5: Focusing on publications in the area of Computer Music, from June/2023 onwards the Vortex Music Journal will publish PATCHES & CODES only as attachments to the articles. Thus, the practice of publishing patches and codes must be accompanied by discussion in the category of full articles. This decision aims to qualify the published content and observe the current scenario with specialized repositories for code distribution, such as GitHub, Gitlab, and SourceForge.

Note #6: Aiming to foster discussions about Artistic Productions in general, as of June/2023 the Vortex Music Journal will publish AUDIOVISUAL RECORDINGS only as attachments to the other categories.

Note #7: the categories of publication in thematic dossiers will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Titles, Abstract, and Keywords

• Title: maximum of 90 characters, with spaces.
• Title: avoid including numbers, acronyms, abbreviations or punctuation.
• Abstract: maximum of 150 words.
• Keywords: maximum of 5 entries.


• It is mandatory to use the 'Template' file.
• Use DOCX file format (or ODT).
• Paper size: A4 (210x297mm)
• Margins: 2,0cm (top, bottom) and 2.5cm (left, right)
• Line spacing: 1.5
• Paragraph spacing: 0cm
• Justified text
• Paragraph indentation: 1 cm
• Texts must use the font types displayed in the template file. All fonts can be downloaded for free at:

Figures, Examples, Graphics, Photography, and Tables

• Must be inserted in text with captions (FIGURE 1, EXAMPLE 2, TABLE 1 etc.) in font size 10, center text alignment.
• Images must be 100% readable. We recommend using an Image Editor to prepare them.
• In case of digitized images, please use 300 dpi resolution (formats TIFF, PNG and SVG are suitable for high-resolution preservation).
• Please use only editable tables.
• Photographs must present credits.
• Captions should always present the source (except when made by the author): FIGURE 1 – Bob Moog and Les Paul. Source: Kettlewell (2002, p. 113)
• To assist visually impaired readers, please describe the illustration / graphic in the captions or, in case of a large table, insert an appendix with the textual description.
• All images must have permission granted by the owner. See “image release permission form

Musical Notation

• Musical notes should always be capitalized (Do, Re, F, G# etc.).
• Specify in the text if middle C is either C3 (French system) or C4 (American Standard Pitch Notation).

Special fonts

- Avoid mixing special fonts with the body text font. In case of necessity to use special fonts – such as those for musical notation or Hebrew – prefer to insert them separately from the body text, as an example or figure. When it comes to an example, provide the font along with the submission (format compatible with Macintosh or Windows). As for an image, just make sure that the caption describes well its content (for blind readers).

Citations (throughout the document)

• Up to three complete lines: within the paragraph using quotation marks, font 12, and author-date-page system in parenthesis (Author, 2014, p. 1). It is required to indicate the page(s) used.
• With more than three complete lines, citations must be formatted in font size 10, in a separated paragraph with indentation of 4 cm at the left margin, without quotation marks, line spacing 1.0, and author, year, page system (Author, 2014, p. 1). Separate the citation of the preceding and subsequent paragraphs with a blank line.
• Please avoid references without page indication. In this way, it is preferable (Stockhausen, 1958, p. 33) rather than (Stockhausen, 1958), which is too vague.
• Examples of author-date-page system:

One work, one author: (Stockhausen, 1958, p. 33)
One work, up to three authors: (Boulez; Cage; Nattiez, 1980, p. 22)
One work, more than three authors: (Deliége et al., 2000, p. 11-13)
Quoting a quoted work: (Forte 1977 apud Hyde, 2007, p. 57)
Translation by the author: (Grisey, 1986, p. 11, author’s translation)
Name of the author within text: According to Murail (2001, p. 35)

• Simple quotation marks (‘’) are used to indicate citations within the current citation.
• Footnote can be used as additional references or comments. They must be indicated in Arabic number.
• Avoid long footnotes. Optimize the reading of your text.
• Indirect citation is optional (paraphrase and condensation), but we recommend to indicate page(s).

References (at the end of the document)

Use simple line spacing (1.0), 6pt paragraph spacing, font size 12, without indentation. Please, see below for a few examples:

- Books
LAST NAME, First Name. Work Title. Edition [if not the first]. Publishing location: Editor, year.

- Book excerpt (chapters, articles, etc.)
LAST NAME, First Name. Title of part. In: Last Name, First Name of the Organizer (Org.). Title. Edition [if not the first]. Publishing location: Publisher, year. Initial and final page number (excerpt).

- Articles
LAST NAME, First Name. Title of the Work. Title of the Journal, publishing location, issue number, initial-last pages of the article, year/date.

optional: DOI. 00.0000/0000000. Available at: <http://>. Access on: 18 feb. 2019.

- Proceedings papers
LAST NAME, First Name. Work Title. In: NAME OF THE EVENT, edition number, year, local. Title: Location: Publisher. Initial and final page number.

- Thesis and Dissertations
LAST NAME, First Name. Title. Year. Thesis/Dissertation (Masters/Doctoral, Area). Institute, Location.

- Online Works
LAST NAME, First Name. Title: subtitle (if available). Location (if available): Publisher, year. Available at: <http://...>. Accessed on: 13 jan. 2019

- Scores
LAST NAME, First Name (composer). Title. Location: Publisher, year. Description (Score), page numbers. Instrument(s).

- Recordings (complete album)
AUTHOR (Composer or Performer). Title. Location: Recording label, year. Media type.

- Recordings (tracks)
AUTHOR (Composer). Track title. Performer: name. In: Album Title. Location: Recording label, year. Media type.

- Published interview
AUTHOR (interviewed). Interview's Title. Title and data of the source in which the interview was published. Interview.

- Unpublished interview
AUTHOR. Title (if any). Place, date. Specific name of the type of information. Interview.

Privacy Statement

Vórtex Music Journal respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. The information you provide will be used exclusively for services related to our journal, such as communication, peer review and content distribution. We will not share your information with third parties without your consent. Your information is treated securely and confidentially, in accordance with best practices. By using our services, you agree to this privacy policy. If you have any questions, please contact us.