Plataforma Genia
possibilidades de uso por estudantes de graduação de Licenciatura em Matemática
The search for technological resources that optimize the teaching and learning of mathematics is ongoing. In this context, the GenIA platform emerges as a possibility for creating Learning Objects (LO) without the need for prior knowledge in programming languages. This qualitative research investigated the possibilities of GenIA for students in the Full Degree Course in Mathematics at the Federal University of Technology Paraná (UTFPR), Curitiba Campus. The research was based on two instruments: detailed monitoring of the students' interaction with GenIA, observing their experiences and evolution, and collecting in-depth data on the students' perceptions and evaluations of the platform (structured questionnaire). The results demonstrated that even without prior knowledge in programming languages, mathematics undergraduate students were able to create LOs on the GenIA platform. They recognized the tool's potential to make classes more interactive and to support their teacher training.
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