uma proposta curricular para a Educação Básica




This article aims to show the importance of the study, which goes beyond teaching Financial Mathematics as a basic subject in the school curriculum. We seek to raise awareness among our students about Financial Education through mathematical models and basic concepts. Currently, it is observed that a large part of the Brazilian population is in debt and has problems with their finances. Therefore, by enabling a curricular teaching proposal, which aims to investigate the impact of mathematical modeling on teaching financial skills in basic education, analyzing its effect on the development of students' financial skills, their motivation to learn mathematics and their ability to apply financial concepts in everyday situations, we hope to minimize these rates in the near future, making our students increasingly aware of their financial attitudes. Thus, we started the project by learning about the history of financial Mathematics, followed by an analysis of Financial Education, where we will see different sources of study. We will also meet major contributors to the use of Mathematical Modeling in the classroom. And finally, we discuss some mathematical models that can be applied to the subject in question. Improving mathematics classes in Basic Education is a challenge that brings several positive effects, as numerous significant contributions can be seen after implementing the project, such as the development of a deeper understanding of financial issues. Therefore, these activities go beyond academic training, as they also contribute to the citizenship training of students. 

Keywords: Teaching Mathematics. Financial education. Mathematical Modeling. Curriculum Proposal.


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Author Biographies

Guilherme Luiz de Oliveira Neto, Instituto Federal do Piauí


Lúcio João Leal Barros, Instituto Federal do Piauí



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How to Cite

Ribeiro, A. J., Neto, G. L. de O., & João Leal Barros, L. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF FINANCIAL SKILLS THROUGH MATHEMATICAL MODELING: A CURRICULAR PROPOSAL FOR BASIC EDUCATION : uma proposta curricular para a Educação Básica. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 13(31), 1–24.



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