ações do formador em um Estudo de Aula
The aim of this research was to understand how the teacher educator's actions took place during the planning of a mathematical task by a group of teachers participating in a process of continuing education for a master's degree course in 2018, from the perspective of Lesson Study, and what learning opportunities were generated in this way. The interpretative qualitative method, used as a direction and analysis, went through the collaborative dialogues (recorded in audios and later transcribed) of the teachers and the trainer during the planning stage, making it possible to access the discussions of points that influenced the resolution of a task such as: the objective and clear statement, the content involved, the resources and the possible expectations of resolutions that could arise by the students during the future implementation of the task. The analysis pointed to the importance of the trainer's actions and role in guiding ideas and discussions, providing teachers with different learning opportunities, especially in terms of understanding how to conduct tasks for different contents and reflections on intervention directions aimed at recognizing the mathematical concepts involved and their construction. This process resulted in the reformulation of the task statement, generating new discussions and reflections, resulting in a planned task.
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