Mathematics Teaching. , Youth and Adult Education. , Proportionality. , Problem Solving.Abstract
The present study aims to report what happened during the development of activities involving the proportionality content, whose purpose was to investigate how thirty-six students who are attending high school integrated to vocational education, in the modality (EJATEC), explored the concept of proportionality through problem solving. Particularly, it aims to analyze the relevant aspects regarding the proportional reasoning that emerged from this experience. This is, therefore, a qualitative study, whose data were collected through observation during the construction of knowledge about the proportionality content through problem solving. The students mobilized different problem solving strategies (tables, graphs, numerical and algebraic expressions), employing both quantitative (involving the manipulation of numerical algorithms) and qualitative thinking (analyzing and explaining the strategies used), thus building new knowledge. Furthermore, the study concludes that the students were co-constructors of their own learning, realizing that the developed activities, centered on problem solving, served as a starting point for the teaching, learning and evaluation of the content under study, that is, proportionality.
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