

The Covid-19 pandemic revealed a series of intrinsic issues of the education landscape. In this article, we present the questions that refer to the assessment of learning. We discuss these issues from a theoretical-methodological perspective in the light of the theoretical constructs of the anthropological theory of the didactic and of the epistemological dimension of the concept of assessment and from these reflections, analyses, and discussions, we propose an assessment model. In the process of investigating the feasibility of the model, we tested it in an experimentation phase in a degree and a bachelor’s degree in chemistry at the Federal University of Technology of Paraná, Pato Branco campus. The results of this experiment presented elements that enable the continuity of our investigation


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Author Biographies

Teodora Pinheiro Figueroa, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campus Pato Branco, (UTFPR)

PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Post-Doctorate in Mathematics Education from PUC-SP

Saddo Ag Almouloud, UFBA

PhD in Mathematics and Applications from the University of Renns I - France


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How to Cite

Figueroa, T. P., & Almouloud, S. A. (2022). UM OLHAR TEÓRICO-METODOLÓGICO SOBRE O CONCEITO DE AVALIAÇÃO DE APRENDIZAGEM EM TEMPO DE PANDEMIA. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 11(25), 261–287. Retrieved from



Número Temático: Didática da Matemática