Aprendizagens e aprendizados de um professor-pesquisador ao participar de uma experiência de Lesson Study sobre o sentido de zero
In 2018, the first author began participating in the Saturday Group (GdS) at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), which was developing a formative and investigative professional development process called Hybrid Lesson Study (LSH). Involved in all the contexts and relationships that intersected there, he realized the potential of this training process, not only for primary school teachers, but also for himself. In view of this, the aim of this study is to narratively analyze his experience of participating as a teacher-researcher in a Hybrid Lesson Study context, highlighting his learning and his learning in this context. This analysis is based theoretically on Situated Learning Theory and analytically on dialogical narrative analysis. For this analysis, they situate their learning in three main axes: learning as belonging; learning as doing; and learning as transformation. The results show that, by participating in the LSH, he learned, in terms of learning as doing, to explore, for example, data from different sources of evidence (audio and video recordings, written narratives, interviews, among others) and triangulate them in analysis; in terms of learning as belonging, he learned to take on greater responsibilities in the CoP, such as organizing events and occasionally taking on the position of trainer; in terms of learning as transformation, he learned to understand and recognize himself as a researcher-trainer in transformation
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