Review: Marianne Tansman's "La guitare dans la vie d'Alexandre Tansman" (2018)

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  • Luigi Brandão Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
  • Marcos Holler Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina



This is a review of Marianne Tansman's book La guitare dans la vie d'Alexandre Tansman, written in 2018. The book consists of a chronological account of the composer's relation with the guitar and with the guitarist Andrés Segovia, and produces remarks both on the style and particularities of Tansman's works for guitar as well as broader considerations on Tansman's artistic point of view. By the end of the text, it is compared to other works on the issue of the guitar in the life of Tansman, and some directions for further research on the subject are suggested.


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Biografia do Autor

Luigi Brandão, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Classical guitarist currently pursuing a master's degree in Music at PPGMUS – UDESC, under the supervision of professor Marcos Holler; develops at present a research on the Variations sur un thème de Scriabine, a piece for guitar composed by the polish composer Alexandre Tansman. E-mail: ORCID:

Marcos Holler, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Bachelor in Harpsichord, Master in Arts and Doctor in Musicology at UNICAMP. Held a postdoctoral internship at Universidade Nova de Lisboa in 2012, and in 2016 worked as a visiting researcher at Hochschule Franz-Liszt in Weimar, Germany. Since 1995, Marcos holds a chair in Music History at UDESC. E-mail: ORCID:


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HUGON, Gérald. ALEXANDRE TANSMAN (1897 - 1986). Available at: <>. Access on: 20 nov. 2017.

JANSSENS, Gustaaf. L"™intérêt de la reine Élisabeth de Belgique pour les musiciens polonais et la vie musicale en Pologne. Quelques témoignages conservés aux Archives du Palais royal í Bruxelles. Revue belge de Musicologie/Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap. Actes du colloque international: Les relations musicales entre Bruxelles et la Pologne 1800-1950, v. 60, p. 21–28, 2006.

TANSMAN, Marianne. La Guitare dans la vie d"™Alexandre Tansman. France: Editions Habanera, 2018.

OTERO, Corazón. Alexandre Tansman: his life and works for the guitar. Amazon Digital Services LLC, 2011.

TANSMAN-ZANUTTINI, Mireille; HUGON, Gérald (Orgs.). Une voie lyrique dans un siècle bouleversé. Paris: L"™Harmattan, 2005.

TIMMONS, Jill; FRÉMAUX, Sylvain. Alexandre Tansman: Diary of a 20th-Century Composer. Polish Music Journal, v. 1, n. 1, 1998. Available at: <>. Access on: 13 mar. 2019.




Como Citar

Brandão, L., & Holler, M. (2019). Review: Marianne Tansman’s "La guitare dans la vie d’Alexandre Tansman" (2018). Revista Vórtex, 7(3).



