Halny, for flute and guitar

Visualizações: 63


  • Eduardo Frigatti Universidade de São Paulo




[editor's note] score.


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Biografia do Autor

Eduardo Frigatti, Universidade de São Paulo

He has been studying composition with Krzysztof Penderecki, Rodrigo Lima and Maurí­cio Dottori. Currently, he is a PhD student at USP, São Paulo, under the guidance of composer Dr Silvio Ferraz. He has graduated in Music (EMBAP / Unespar) and Music Therapy (FAP / Unespar). He has also completed his master's degree at UFPR, under the guidance of composer Dr. Maurí­cio Dottori. He has studied at the Music School of the State of São Paulo (Emesp) and at the Academy of Music in Kraków which was possible thanks to a scholarship from Mozarteum Brasileiro. His works have been performed internationally as well as locally: at the International Festival of Krakow Composers in Poland and MusLAB Festival in Mexico, at several festivals in Brazil (Bienal Música Hoje, Festival de Música Paranaense, Festival Internacional de Londrina, Simpósio Acadêmico de Violão da EMBAP, Oficina de Música de Curitiba, Panorama da Música Brasileira Atual). Several of his compositions were awarded, such as: first prize in the III Composition Competition of the Music Biennial Today (2015) for his work Campina de Vidro (for string orchestra and piano); an award in the I Composition Competition of the Edino Krieger Contemporary Music Festival (2017) for his composition Morriña (a string quartet); and the second prize in the I Composition Competition Altino Pimenta for Clarinet Solo for his work Moods (2018). His work Prelúdio III was selected to be recorded in the first album of the project Novas, promoting new music for Brazilian guitar. Frigatti's composition Iguaçu was commissioned and recorded in an album Clarinete Solo Brasileiro by Jairo Wilkens.



Como Citar

Frigatti, E. (2018). Halny, for flute and guitar. Revista Vórtex, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.33871/23179937.2018.6.2.2624



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