Sound feedback control model for live electronic performance in the Ecos Study

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  • Ricardo Thomasi University of São Paulo | Brazil
  • Regis R. A. Faria University of São Paulo | Brazil


Palabras clave:

Acoustic Ecology, Emergence Theories, Audible Ecosystem, Live Electronics, Feedback Control


Through the Ecos Study we investigate possibilities for musical structuring based on theories of emergence, finding a fertile territory for experimentations within Agostino Di Scipio's paradigm of Audible Ecosystems. The inclusion of the acoustic environment as an active component of the musical system led us to rethink classical techniques of sound synthesis and modelling, some traditional models of electroacoustic performance, and to criticize the very role of interactions in a qualitative perspective. A positive feedback control model has been developed aiming at understanding the behaviour and the structure of the ecosystem supporting the implementation of the Spatial Instrument, a core element implemented through MAX/MSP patch and that offers a logical rationale for organizing speakers and microphones in the acoustic space. We introduce the underlying theoretical debate and present the feedback control mechanism as the basis from which the Spatial Instrument is developed.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ricardo Thomasi, University of São Paulo | Brazil

Ricardo Thomasi is a PhD level researcher in the area of creative processes at the University of São Paulo (ECA/USP), Brazil. He holds a Master's degree in Music Composition from the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (UFPR). He is a researcher at the Audio and Music Technologies Laboratory (LATM/USP) and Núcleo Música Nova (UNESPAR). His artistic production focuses on experimental music, sound art, improvisation, live electronics and multimedia performances. ORCID: Email:

Regis R. A. Faria, University of São Paulo | Brazil

Regis R. A. Faria is professor on University of São Paulo (EACH/USP). Coordinates the Audio and Music Technologies Laboratory (LATM) and the Audio Engineering and Sound Coding Center (NEAC) at the Laboratory of Integrable Systems (LSI-EPUSP). He is a collaborating researcher at USP with the Laboratory of Art, Media and Digital Technologies (LabArteMí­dia). ORCID: Email:


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Cómo citar

Thomasi, R., & Faria, R. R. A. (2021). Sound feedback control model for live electronic performance in the Ecos Study. Revista Vórtex, 9(3), 3.



Dossier "SiMN 2021"
