Scheduling and Sequencing Musical Events in Pure Data with Scheme for Pd

Visualizações: 65


  • Iain C. T. Duncan University of Victoria


Palabras clave:

Pure Data, Lisp, computer music languages, scheduling


Scheme for Pd is a newly released open-source external for Pure Data, enabling scripting Pd with s7 Scheme Lisp. In this experience report, the author introduces Scheme for Pd and demonstrates its use for scheduling and sequencing musical events in s7 Scheme.


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Biografía del autor/a

Iain C. T. Duncan, University of Victoria

Iain C.T. Duncan is a musician and software developer in Victoria BC, and a student in the MMus in Music Technology at the University of Victoria, Canada, studying under Dr Andrew Schloss and Dr George Tzanetakis. He first began using computer music programming platforms with Csound and Max in 1996, and has since worked in numerous languages and platforms. He is the author of Scheme for Pd (beta) and Scheme for Max, and also plays jazz saxophone. ORCID:


LAZZARINI, Victor et. al, Csound A Sound and Music Computer System. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

PUCKETTE, Miller. Max at Seventeen. Computer Music Journal, vol 26 issue 4, p.44-51, 2002 dec.

PURE DATA. Version 0.51-1. Developed by Miller Puckette. Available at <> Accessed on: 21 nov. 2021

S7 SCHEME. Developed by William Schottstaedt. Available at: <> Accessed on: 21 nov. 2021




Cómo citar

Duncan, I. C. T. (2021). Scheduling and Sequencing Musical Events in Pure Data with Scheme for Pd. Revista Vórtex, 9(2), 19.



Dossier "A quarter of century of Pd: past, present and future"