Space in Music: what we call ‘space’ in music and what it really is

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electroacoustic music, contemporary music, musical space, space in music, spatialization


This article proposes a division of the concept of space in music into four spaces, namely the internal, external, intrinsic and extrinsic spaces. Having reviewed these concepts in texts from numerous authors and composers, we aggregate a variety of concepts into these four main categories of space in music. We also present possible transgressions of the boundaries of these concepts, with the understanding that these transgressions are common practice for contemporary composers. Currently, these practices of transgression tend to be confused because of the lack of a clear definition for the spaces in question.


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Author Biography

Fabio Wanderley Janhan Sousa, Federal University of Pernambuco

With a PhD and a Master’s in Sonology from the School of Music at UFMG, an MA in Music and Technology from the University of York in England, and degrees in Composition and Music Education from UFMG, as well as an Electronics Technician from CEFET-MG, I have been working professionally as a sound engineer since 2004 and as a composer since 2014, focusing on contemporary aesthetics with an emphasis on the production of electroacoustic works. My academic contributions include publications in the proceedings of ANPPOM, AES Brazil and UK, Sysmus, Nas Nuvens, and in the journals Sonora, Opus, and Permusi. Currently, I serve as an adjunct professor in the area of theory and composition at the Music Department of UFPE.


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How to Cite

Wanderley Janhan Sousa, F. (2024). Space in Music: what we call ‘space’ in music and what it really is. Vortex Music Journal, 12, 1–24.



Research Papers
