Taste This Score

Visualizações: 58





Cross-modal perception, Gastrosonic, Visual texture, Digital score


Digital scores were introduced in contemporary music some decades ago, as well as extra-musical images and visual signs in music writing. What is not yet explored and seems to be a very fertile field of research is musical writing based on research on transmodality. This article presents an investigation on some of the possibilities of musical and sonic writing through the incorporation of images of food textures. This is part of more extensive work that includes research on sonic relationships with visual textures (not only food) and that also investigates the compositional and performative possibilities of transmodal digital dynamic scores (video scores).


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Author Biography

Eliana Rosales, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero | Argentina

Eliana Rosales es artista audiovisual, chelista y docente. Como cellista se presentó con diferentes proyectos en distintas salas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y del extranjero Medialab Prado (Madrid, España); CMMR Festival en Wilton's Music Hall (Londres, Reino Unido); Ciclo Escuchar en Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires- Alianza Francesa; Festival Enlaces (UNTreF). Fue becaria de investigación en MUNTREF, Laboratorio de Arte y Ciencia en Tecnópolis, en el proyecto Aromatorio de Bruno Mesz. Actualmente se encuentra finalizando la Licenciatura en Artes Electrónicas en la UNTreF, Argentina. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-8034-5839. E-mail: eliana.rosalese@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Rosales, E. (2023). Taste This Score. Vortex Music Journal, 11(1), 1+14. https://doi.org/10.33871/23179937.2023.11.1.7775



Dossier "Ubimus, Gastrosonics and Well-Being