Research in composition and musical analysis: Computational tools, inter-relationships and emergences

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Composition, Musical Analysis, Research in Music, computational musicology, Sonological Emergence


In XX and XXI centuries, computer support promoted inter-relationships between the fields of composition and musical analysis in unique ways. In the academic context, the relationships between both areas can be achieved through analytical hypotheses whose results of analysis are utilized in new musical works. In this article, we enquire if these areas can configure a feedback system with constant transformations based on the new information obtained during the processes. We propose the analysis of the work Substâncias Moldáveis – version 2, that presents a formal segmentation in two parts with different sound features. For the analysis of each part, we adopted specific analysis tools considering the hypothesis that the tools employed should adapt to the features of the analyzed work. As an analysis of the results, we integrate both parts generating comparative graphical representations of the analyzed acoustic and psychoacoustic features. Finally, as a conclusion, we provide an interpretation of the phenomena emerging from the sound masses and textures found in the piece from the graphical representations created.


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Author Biography

Danilo Rossetti, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Danilo Rossetti é professor, pesquisador e compositor. Seu trabalho enfoca o uso da tecnologia e pesquisa interdisciplinar em processos criativos, performances e análises musicais. É autor de peças para diferentes formações instrumentais, acusmáticas, mistas e multimídia (instalações audiovisuais, música, dança e telemática) apresentadas em diversos eventos nacionais e internacionais, além de autor e coautor de vários artigos sobre processos criativos em música e análises musicais. Professor do Departamento de Artes da UFMT e docente colaborador do PPG em Música do IA-UNICAMP, é líder do grupo de pesquisa “Criação, análise e performance musical com suporte computacional” (UFMT/CNPq). É doutor em Música pela UNICAMP com estágio doutoral no CICM da Universidade Paris 8, e realizou pesquisa de pós-doutorado NICS-UNICAMP com apoio da FAPESP. ORCID: E-mail:


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How to Cite

Rossetti, D. (2023). Research in composition and musical analysis: Computational tools, inter-relationships and emergences. Vortex Music Journal, 11(1), 1–31.



Research Papers