The Unity of the musical work in Aristotle Metaphysics
Unity in music, Aristotle, Philosophy of Music, Musical AestheticsAbstract
In this article we seek to introduce a discussion about the unity of the musical work from the primordial meanings proposed by Aristotle in his Metaphysics. The problem is: In what sense can the musical work be one, considering the primordial meanings of one discussed by Aristotle? The discussion starts around the notion of musical work. Hereafter, are introduced some aspects of Aristotelian musical thought, especially with regard to the issue of continuity as a primordial meaning of unity and later to unfold the contemplation of the problem of musical unity in different appointments concentrated in the notion of variety and in the problem of beauty. Finally, on this basis, some questions related to the problem of unity as a represented value are also introduced. It is hoped that this work will stimulate philosophical reflections on compositional problems and contribute to the discussion about the unity of the musical work.
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