Audio Quality X Accessibility How Digital Technology Changed the Way We Listen and Consume Popular Music

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  • Ricardo Milani Gomes Independent Researcher



Based on the studies of Milner (2009), Katz (2004) and Wikstrom (2009), the article explores in details how the experience of listening and consuming music has been changing through the years due to the appearance and evolution of digital audio technology; analyzing the consequences in the recording industry and specially in its main product: popular music. The work approaches two different steps of this evolution (Compact Disks and Mp3) in terms of formats, devices and delivery methods; and how each one of them had an influence in our relationship with music.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Milani Gomes, Independent Researcher

Ricardo Gomes is a Brazilian music producer graduated with a Master in Audio Production from University of Westminster - London (revalidated in Brazil by UFPR) and Apple Certified Trainer for Logic Pro X. During 8 years in London, besides working as a guitarist and music producer, Ricardo also worked as a Music Tecnhology teacher at Battersea Park School and holds a teaching award (PTLLS - level 3) from City and Guilds.


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How to Cite

Gomes, R. M. (2016). Audio Quality X Accessibility How Digital Technology Changed the Way We Listen and Consume Popular Music. Vortex Music Journal, 4(2), 1–14.



Research Papers