Important changes to Vórtex Journal
Greetings! Revista Vórtex has just undergone a major overhaul of its editorial policies. This was necessary in order to adapt to the guidelines of various agencies and indexing basis. In this sense, we ask all authors in the Vortexian community to read our new policies carefully. We would like to highlight 7 changes, which take effect immediately (except for submissions already in progress):
[1] Sub-areas and thematic fields of music covered by Vortex:
- Sound Creation and Music Composition;
- Music Computing and Music Technology;
- Sound Studies and Sonology;
- Aesthetics and Philosophy of Music;
- Music Performance;
- Analysis, Perception and Music Theory;
- Musicology and Ethnomusicology;
- Popular Music.
[2] Submissions are published continuously. The evaluation process takes up to 6 months.
[3] All Vórtex content follows the Creative Commons CC-BY license.
[4] Each author can publish one work every 12 months. The 12-month period starts from the date of submission. This rule also applies to co-authorship [does not apply to the “Music and Women” dossier already underway]. At least one of the authors of the paper must have a doctorate.
[5] All submissions will be checked with plagiarism detector software.
[6] In addition to the double-blind submission format, Vórtex also accepts the Open Science submission format, via SciELO PrePrint (IN PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION). Authors decide which way to submit. More information at:
[7] Our template has changed: Stay tuned for the recent ABNT changes (NBR 10520:2023 Citations and NBR 6023:2018/2020 References).
If you want to read everything, here are the links to all the guidelines: