Thematic Dossier | New Sound Ecologies


Vórtex Music Journal is calling for submissions for the thematic dossier "New Sound Ecologies" in v.12 n.3, 2024. The window for submissions is between June 1 and August 1, 2024. Publication is expected in 2024. Here is the abstract of the thematic call:

“In an ever-evolving world, the field of sound studies has embarked on a transformative journey, giving rise to the concept of “New Sound Ecologies”. This interdisciplinary exploration aims to discuss the dynamic and intricate relationships between sound, environment, technology, and human interaction. Within this dossier, we unravel the intricate tapestry of soundscapes and their roles in contemporary society.”

Guest editors: Dr. William Teixeira - Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Dr. Jacek Smolicki - University of Uppsala (Sweden).

Full call: