El Cimarrón by Hans Werner Henze – A New Approach to Political Song

Visualizações: 141


  • Jose Mario Ortiz University of Kentucky




During the years prior to World War II, a number of composers in Germany were creating music of political content that addressed social issues. By writing El Cimarrón (1970), Hans Werner Henze made a unique contribution to the tradition of political committed music in Germany. Henze was able to go beyond the achievements of his predecessors by giving a documentary character to the work and integrating the results of his own experiments into the composition. This paper discusses the characteristic features of El Cimarrón and Henze's approach to composing this work.


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Biografia do Autor

Jose Mario Ortiz, University of Kentucky

Originally from Guanajuato, Mexico, J. Mario Ortiz received a Bachelor of Music degree from Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico and a M.M. in guitar performance from the University of Kentucky, where he studied as a Fulbright-Garcia Robles scholar. Mr. Ortiz has performed concerti, chamber music, and solo recitals in international music festivals and venues in Italy, Puerto Rico, USA, and Mexico. In 2015, He held the grant Ejecutante con Trayectoria from the Institute of Culture of Guanajuato to commission and premier new guitar music from Mexican composers. Currently he is studying for his Doctoral Degree in Music Performance with Dr. Dieter Hennings at the University of Kentucky. E-mail: jmariortiz.s@gmail.com


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Como Citar

Ortiz, J. M. (2017). El Cimarrón by Hans Werner Henze – A New Approach to Political Song. Revista Vórtex, 5(3), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.33871/23179937.2017.5.3.2160



