Aplicação de derivada para identificar descargas parciais em cabos de redes de distribuição de energia subterrânea
Differential and integral calculus is one of the main subjects that make up the curriculum for the first year of Engineering courses. This is because this field of study requires improvement in students' logical reasoning skills, aiming to enable them to solve everyday problems. The teaching of derivatives is one of the pillars that guide this subject, and is also a prerequisite for understanding topics related to other academic areas. However, it is common for it to be approached theoretically, which can make learning difficult. The theoretical and detached way in which it is often taught, without linking it to everyday problems, has frequently hindered the understanding of derivatives. This approach leads students to discouragement and, consequently, to failure. Another challenge is that applications in the field of engineering are often based on discrete-time systems, making it difficult to apply previously acquired knowledge. In this context, the objective of this work is to present an application of derivatives in discrete-time systems for the identification of partial discharge in underground power distribution network cables. Using the model of one of the patterns of partial discharge from a real network, simulations were implemented for the identification of partial discharges in a dataset from another real network. The derivation of discrete-time systems was employed as a tool for this purpose. It is hoped that this initiative may assist academic professionals in associating theory and practice, thereby helping students to build new paths to knowledge.
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