Origens e apropriação cultural do Lesson Study:

contribuições à aprendizagem do professor que ensina Matemática





This work presents a sociocultural reading about the creation process of the Japanese Lesson Study (LS) and mainly its cultural appropriation by other countries. For this, we defined the following guiding question for this study: As different studies have shown the cultural roots of SL and as other countries and experiences, the world over, have been appropriating this process of teacher learning and curriculum development, adapting or reinventing the sociocultural Original LS? To answer this question, we took as material for analysis and dialogue articles available on international platforms about LS, highlighting its sociocultural origins and its movement of cultural appropriation by other countries. From a sociocultural perspective, it uses the lens of situated learning theory and the concept of community of practice to deepen a discussion on the relational production between culture and learning in SL, given its originality in Japan and expansion and adaptation in different countries, taking into account view the learning of the teacher who teaches mathematics. The methodological approach considers the generativity between theory and method, incorporating an inventive condition of researchers towards their object of study through dialogue with different works. It is believed that, by reviewing, from a sociocultural perspective, Japanese LS and its multiple adaptations on global LS, we can obtain understandings and creative inspirations about the challenge of reinventing and experiencing glocal LS practices, contributing both to the work of professionals and researchers in the area of Mathematics Education, but also to others interested in different areas of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Viana Gonçalves, K., & Fiorentini, D. (2023). Origens e apropriação cultural do Lesson Study: : contribuições à aprendizagem do professor que ensina Matemática. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 12(29), 226–249. https://doi.org/10.33871/22385800.2023.12.29.226-249