Uma adaptação da Lesson Study:

contribuições à formação inicial de professoras de Matemática




The present work aims to present and reflect on the training cycle carried out in the academic year of 2021, with five students of the Mathematics Degree Course, at University XXX (XXX), campus of Foz do Iguaçu, enrolled in the discipline of Supervised Internship II and seeks answer the following question: “How does Lesson Study (LS), considered a training context based on collaboration and reflection, help the Initial Training of Mathematics teachers in the discipline of Supervised Internship II?”. For this, a qualitative, exploratory research was carried out, using the following instruments and procedures to obtain the data: participant observation, narratives and video recording of the intervention with the students, future Mathematics teachers, at the time, in the year academic year of 2021 (calendar year 2021/2022). After the experience lived by the future Mathematics teachers, it was possible to perceive that the Lesson Study, as a formative context in/for Initial Formation, represents a possibility for this complex work of forming teachers who are protagonists of their own practices, in addition, some necessary knowledge to teaching were evidenced and cited by them as learned, such as: knowledge of the specific content of Mathematics; pedagogical content knowledge and curriculum knowledge. It was possible to identify that the learning provided by the Lesson Study, whose collaboration and reflection were present, contributed to the constitution of the professional identity, since the undergraduate students reflected on “being a teacher” of Mathematics and emphasized the importance of the group in this process of collective and individual reflection.


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How to Cite

Bezerra, R. C., & Caetano, R. S. (2023). Uma adaptação da Lesson Study:: contribuições à formação inicial de professoras de Matemática. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 12(29), 368–385.