


The modern world imposes on us a need to understand the influences (Which? Who? Where?) that different countries have suffered. Thus, we conceived this article with the results of a research whose objective was “discussing the mathematics curriculum in the curriculum organization of secondary education in Latin American countries that have recently undergone educational reforms (Brazil, Bolivia and Mexico), characterizing, in these reforms, the conception of the public sphere undertaken in the processes of planning and implementation of these curricula, as well as the theoretical aspects that substantiate them. It was a qualitative research (descriptive and explanatory), triggered from the following phases: bibliographical and documentary analyzes and interviews with mathematics teachers. In the scope of Brazil and Mexico, the research showed a strategic action, guided by international organizations, in which the democratic participation of teachers was reduced. However, we have the Bolivian system as an insurgent to the neoliberal model, conceiving a communicative action with regard to regionalized curricula.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, H. J. L., Araujo de Souza, C., Novaes, J. I., Santana, M. L. de, & Penha, A. G. M. (2024). COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS IN EDUCATIONAL REFORMS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION : BOLIBIA, BRAZIL AND MEXICO. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 13(30), 117–138.



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