Pensamento Algébrico no 5° ano do Ensino Fundamental

explorando uma tarefa de valor omisso




This article has, as a goal, to caracterize algebraic thinking revealed by students of the 5th year when resolving a task of missing value. There isn’t a consensus within the literature about algebraic thinking, but there are three different perspectives, as specified by Almeida and Câmara. We opted for the more modern perspective, the Theory of Objectification, aligning that to the Common National Curricular Basis. There are three intertwined elements categorizing algebraic thinking, in said perspective: the indetermination, the denotaion and the analyticity. We resort to methodological aspects of teaching-learning, for research’s development, from Theory of Objectification and Arzarello’s multimodal analysis. We proposed a task of missing value containing six problems of rising difficulty to two 5th year students in the teaching-learning activity, resorting to distincts semiotic resources when coming to represent discussions. Therefore, recording all interactions with the help of electronic devices was fundamental. Finally, we made use of multimodal analysis for looking, in depth, the videos, audios and written record, identifying that, indeed, the students thought algebraically when confronted with the proposed task. 


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Author Biography

Jadilson Ramos de Almeida , Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco – UFRPE

Doutor em Ensino das Ciências e Matemática pela Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - UFRPE. Professor do Departamento de Educação e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino das Ciências e Matemática da UFRPE e do EDUMATEC pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE. 



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How to Cite

Felix Marques, A., & Ramos de Almeida , J. . (2024). Pensamento Algébrico no 5° ano do Ensino Fundamental: explorando uma tarefa de valor omisso. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 13(30), 165–186.



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