Problem Solving. , Arch of Maguerez. , Financial Math.Abstract
In order to answer the question What are the contributions of the Arch of Maguerez in Problem Solving tasks involving the Arch of Maguerez? The present study aimed to investigate, from the proposition of a task using Problem Solving involving Financial Mathematics, the contributions of the Arch of Maguerez. To this end, we seek support from scholars who deal with Problem Solving (BRITO, 2012; PROENÇA, 2018) and problematization based on the Arch of Maguerez (BERBEL, 2012; BORDENAVE; PEREIRA, 2015). We opted for a qualitative research methodology (LUDKE; ANDRÉ, 2018) through a case study (YIN, 2010). Faced with the application of two problems arising from a guiding situation that considered facts of reality, we noticed the contribution of the stages of the Arch of Maguerez in solving problems, as well as in exposing the students' ideas. In addition, starting from the guiding situation, the process of reading, analysis, collaboration, sharing of ideas, data processing, production, result and reflection, would allow the students to look at what was being treated beyond just a numerical solution, but which critical reflections were possible with the use of this solution. In addition, we point out that working with Problem Solving and Maguerez's Arch together allowed the connection between reality and the classroom, and that the school is a place of preparation for the individual's performance in society and that Mathematics must be used in the search for solutions to various problems in the social sphere.
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