


Teacher Education. , Pedagogical Residency Program. , Teaching and Learning. , Multiple concept.


This article, in the form of an experience report, was developed within the scope of the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP) – Mathematical Subproject of the State University of Maringá with the objective of enabling the members of the PRP to reflect on the teaching practice thought from its preparation to its development in the classroom. For this, we use the principles of the Lesson Study methodology, combined with Problem Solving (PR). From a collaborative work between the coordination, the residents and preceptor teachers of the PRP, the stages of the Lesson Study (planning, execution, analysis and resumption of a class) involving the PR methodology were carried out. The application of the class occurred in a 6th grade class of the Adaile Maria Leite State College (Maringá, PR) with the presence of some residents, the preceptor teacher and the coordinating teacher. The collaborative work, focused on the development of students and their learning brought contributions both to future teachers who were able to see, in practice, the concepts studied during their training, and to the students of the 6th grade who actively participated in the teaching process having the opportunity to understand a new concept.


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How to Cite

Regina D’Antonio Verrengia, S., Pereira Junior, A., & Oliveira Santos, G. (2023). SOLVING CLASSROOM PROBLEMS IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF LESSON STUDY: THE REPORT OF AN EXPERIENCE. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 12(27), 507–525.



Número Temático: Resolução de Problemas na Educação Matemática