Mathematics Education. , Degree in Mathematics. , Teaching-learning. , Problema SolvingAbstract
This article aims to show and analyze how the approach of teaching via Problem Solving can favor the teaching practice in the teaching of Spatial Geometry in the initial formation in a degree course in mathematics. To achieve the objectives of the research, five actions were used that implement teaching through problem solving, defined by Proença, which are: choice of problem; introduction of the problem; assistance to students during the resolution; discussion of students' strategies and the articulation of students' strategies to content. This implementation occurred in two classes of a degree course in mathematics at a public university in the State of Paraná. For data collection, two questionnaires were made, one at the beginning of the research, with open questions, for a diagnosis of the class, and the other after the application of the activity, with objective questions. The results show that most of the students are unaware of this approach, and still have disconnected ideas of what it really is, however, after the application of the activity, we realized that the approach was well accepted by future teachers, since they considered using the approach when they were formed. In this sense, it is necessary to reflect on the use of different methodologies and approaches of mathematics teaching, in order to increase the range of knowledge of students so that they can, when teachers, act significantly with regard to teaching practices
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