



Mathematics Education. , Problem-Situations. , Meaningful Learning. , High School.


The main objective of this work was to verify the contributions of the teaching of affine function through Problem Solving in Mathematics classes in classes of the 1st year of High School. The research was carried out in two classes of the 1st year of High School, in a State School located in the irrigated area of the municipality of Petrolina - PE, with a total of 41 participating students. In order to carry out this qualitative work, was used class diary to record all reports, doubts and progress of each student during the intervention, which following the ten steps of Problem Solving, as suggested by Onuchic and Allevato (2011). After analyzing the data obtained, the results indicate that teaching, through this methodology, linked to problem situations present in the students' daily lives, provided a change in the behavior of those involved, by arousing interest to learn more, both in the students and in the teacher-researcher. Problem solving proved to be an effective strategy, contributing positively to student learning.


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Author Biography

Lucília Batista Dantas Pereira, Universidade de Pernambuco

Professora Adjunta do Colegiado de Licenciatrura em Matemática


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How to Cite

Silva , K. de S. ., & Pereira, L. B. D. (2023). TEACHING AFFINE FUNCTION THROUGH PROBLEM SOLVING. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 12(27), 228–250. https://doi.org/10.33871/22385800.2023.12.27.228-250



Número Temático: Resolução de Problemas na Educação Matemática