


Public Image of Mathematics, Videos, Multimodality, Digital Video Festival


In this article we discuss a research that investigated the Public Image of Mathematics (IPM) and the multimodality in videos produced by Mathematics undergraduates that were enrolled in the "Festival of Digital Videos and Mathematics Education”. The objective of the research was to investigate aspects of the public image of Mathematics in videos of the Festival of Digital Videos and Mathematics Education. The question that guided this study was: “What images of Mathematics are constructed in videos of the Festival of Digital Videos and Mathematics Education?” Specifically, this study consists of a related investigation to the Public Image of Mathematics (IPM), using videos produced by undergraduates from the same class at São Paulo State University (UNESP), which were submitted to the IV Festival of Digital Videos and Mathematics Education. Whether the case study and the procedures adopted for the analyzes are based on an adaptation of an analytical model composed of the following procedures (non-linear): observation, description, identification of critical events, transcription, codification, elaboration and episode and composition of the narrative. The analysis of the videos showed, for the most part, positive and alternative images about Mathematics and mathematicians, supported by multimodality, offering ways to explore creativity towards the themes brought up in the videos, which could lead the viewer to a better understanding of the content.



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How to Cite

Caceres Ianelli, A. C., & Silva, R. S. R. da . (2023). IMAGE OF MATHEMATICS AND MULTIMODALITY IN VIDEOS OF THE "FESTIVAL OF DIGITAL VIDEOS AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION". Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 12(28), 20–45.



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