

This paper analyses part of the data from a questionnaire applied to mathematics teachers of the public education system from the north coast of Rio Grande do Sul. Such data collection tool comes from a research project developed at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS), Osório campus, entitled “Meaningful Learning and Teacher Training”. This project aims to analyze the teaching practice by the presence or absence of a systematization that promotes the maximum potential of meaningful learning and to verify if their different levels of academic education influence this systematization in classrooms. The systematization of the teaching practices was evaluated through questions around the thematic unit of Algebra, specifically the study of Functions for high school. In order to reach the intended objectives in this work, the bibliographic research was developed on the thematic of Mathematics Teaching, Algebra, Meaningful Learning, and Methodology and Data Analysis. The results have shown a strong trivialization of the term “Meaningful Learning” in the discourse of the teachers that, in their entirety, did not reach the minimum parameters specified by this theory.


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How to Cite

Barato, M. N. ., Silva, M. da, & Machado, L. B. . (2022). APRENDIZAGEM SIGINIFICATIVA E A FORMAÇÃO DE PROFESSORES. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 11(24), 376–394. Retrieved from https://periodicos.unespar.edu.br/rpem/article/view/6718



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