The central theme of this work is the use of summation symbology in teaching, including its interpretation and properties. We accept the premise that, in general, students feel uncomfortable in performing algebraic manipulations and solving problems where the Sigma notation is present. Aiming to help teachers mediate the learning related to this topic and its applications, we present a survey of "when" and "how" the notation of summation is present in secondary education and higher education in the degree courses in mathematics. As a result of this survey, we realized that, in general, at no time is the notation of summation an explicit object of study. This fact can justify the accepted premise. We conclude with the suggestion that: (i) at some point in their initial or continuing education, mathematics teachers carry out detailed studies of the notation and the properties of summation to improve their understanding of the subject; (ii) each class of high school students has, at some point, at least one lesson dedicated to the study and understanding of Sigma notation for sums. Additionally, we point out some references to find structured and concise classical summation theory (with a finite amount of terms). We also indicate one didactic module applicable in high school.
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