

This article, on some selected results from a finalized doctoral research, aims to analyze the contributions of an intervention made to facilitate the identification of articulations between different school disciplines in a full time school. In this, we discuss some challenges encountered during development of the mentioned research and the methodological alternatives used to face them. The discussion is supported by references from Activity Theory, more specifically, it is backed up by the appropriations of this theory made by the group led by the researcher Yrjö Engeström. It is based on the results of a research carried out in a federal full time public school, in a 7th grade class of an elementary school, in Belo Horizonte, focusing on the work developed in the disciplines Mathematics and Differentiated Work Groups (GTD). The methodological procedures employed were: observation in the classroom, interviews (with students, teachers and monitor) and creation of a new discipline as a form of intervention. The results show that the intervention contributed to the characterization of reverberations from a GTD on multiplication and division of fractions in the Mathematics classes, thus showing the possibility of creating articulations between different disciplines, in full time schools. They also show that the consequences of these reverberations, in the actions of two students, favored the work developed in mathematics classes, contributing to the beginning of expansive learning processes. However, they suggest as well that, in certain situations, the reverberations can result as losses for the course of the classes, leading students to lose the focus on the activity they were supposed to be tuned into.


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How to Cite

Deodato, A. A. ., David, M. M. M. S. ., & Coelho, L. M. C. da C. . (2022). CRIAÇÃO DE UMA NOVA DISCIPLINA COMO INTERVENÇÃO: ALTERNATIVA METODOLÓGICA NA AULA DE MATEMÁTICA. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 11(24), 312–331. Retrieved from



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