

This research aimed to identify aspects of the teaching practices of teachers who taught Mathematics during a certain period of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the resources and dynamics used in emergency remote teaching, as well as to investigate the perceptions of these teachers about the positive and negative aspects of that use. Thereunto, an online questionnaire was prepared and answered by one hundred teachers. From the qualitative analysis of the data, inspired by Laurence Bardin's content analysis, it was concluded, among others, that: teachers used different strategies to approach students, even remotely; access to activities and classes was not in a uniform way by students; methodologies specific to blended learning were used and there was a perception, on the part of teachers, of the need for in-service education regarding digital technologies. Thus, the majority of participants recognized the importance of using resources and dynamics of emergency remote teaching in the return of face-to-face teaching.


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How to Cite

Silva, E. S. da, Caldato, J. C. ., Almeida, M. V. de, Baccar, M. H. M. M. ., & Moura, M. K. G. . (2022). UMA INVESTIGAÇÃO SOBRE A PERCEPÇÃO DE PROFESSORES COM RELAÇÃO AO ENSINO REMOTO EMERGENCIAL DE MATEMÁTICA. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 11(24), 244–266. Retrieved from



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