
  • Marilda Delli Colli UTFPR
  • Emerson Tortola
  • Zenaide de Fátima Dante Correia Rocha


This paper aims to investigate the learnings and contributions from a teacher training course to the pedagogical practice of teachers working in (Pre-)Kindergarten and Elementary School in relation to the development of geometric thinking according to Van Hiele’s Theory. The course was organized in three stages: theoretical foundation about the teaching of geometry and Van Hiele’s Theory; elaboration of tasks on plane and spatial geometry based on levels of thoughts and learning phases systematized by and based on Van Hiele’s Theory; and application of tasks for validation, discussion and reformulation. 2 teacher trainers, 3 teachers from the (Pre-)Kindergarten and 7 teachers from the Elementary School of a private school in the North of Paraná participated in the course. Data were collected through questionnaires, applied before and after the course, video recordings of the meetings held via Google Meet, field diary and records produced by the students of the participating teachers during the application of the tasks. Data analysis, guided by a qualitative approach, revealed how learning and contributions from the course: the understanding of the need to explore the students’ previous knowledge to identify the level of thinking at which they are; the knowledge, elaboration and application of tasks according to the characteristics and stages of learning associated with Van Hiele’s levels of thoughts; and the discussion of interventions needed to assist students in moving from one level to another.


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How to Cite

Colli, M. D., Tortola, E., & Rocha, Z. de F. D. C. (2022). DESENVOLVIMENTO DO PENSAMENTO GEOMÉTRICO: APRENDIZAGENS E CONTRIBUIÇÕES DE UM CURSO DE FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA. Revista Paranaense De Educação Matemática, 11(26), 518–541. Retrieved from



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