In this article, we present a characterization of professionals from Early Childhood Education and Early Years of Elementary School who participated in continuing education on the following topics: Inclusive Mathematics Education, concrete didactic resources, Inclusion, and Lesson Study. We produced data from responses to a questionnaire and, using the Atlas.Ti software, analyzed them qualitatively. The results indicated that most professionals have specific training in pedagogy, and many of them have postgraduate degrees. We also found that, in general, teachers expressed their need for continuing education about, for example, the use of diverse materials to teach mathematics. We understand that different formative sessions such as extension courses, mini-courses, or lectures can help professionals overcome their reported difficulties, particularly concerning inclusive education. To address teachers’ knowledge gaps, we suggest involving them in discussions about the concept of inclusive education and complementary methodologies and classroom materials. Consequently, institutions need to promote and encourage teachers to participate in continuing education that value their professional experiences and, from there, construct knowledge that they can apply in their daily work. Finally, through continuing teacher education, future research can explore the concepts addressed in this study to augment knowledge of an effective inclusive mathematics education.
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