



Coherence, Question semantics, Text production and interpretation, Linguistics and Education


This paper aims to discuss how to improve textual production by working with the rules that ensure the general coherence of the text based on the semantics of questions, which postulates three criteria that determine the pertinence of an answer: (i) non-contradictoriness, (ii) informativeness and (iii) relevance (GROENENDIJK, 1999; FERREIRA, 2023). In this paradigm, such criteria are tools for analyzing verbal interactions, that is, oral texts. Our contribution is to show that they can also be worked on in the analysis of written and multimodal texts, remembering the rules assumed in textual linguistics (CHAROLLES, 1998). We illustrate with a didactic sequence on coherence that stimulates students' textual production and linguistic reflection (GERALDI, 1997).


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Dossiê: Homenagem a João Wanderley Geraldi