Avaliação em leitura. Leitura em língua inglesa. Inferências. Compreensão leitoraAbstract
This research analyzed the English language reading tests for admission to a state university of Paraná. Our aim was to identify the reading questions that address comprehension at literal and inferential levels and analyze the extent to which they attest reading proficiency (PEARSON; JOHNSON, 1978; CHIKALANGA, 1992; GAGNÉ et al, 1993; PERFETTI; STAFURA, 2015). After categorizing and analyzing the test items, we identified which relationships are required in the response to the test questions in the corresponding tests from 2009 to 2022. The results demonstrate a prevalence of questions that focus on grammar and vocabulary topics, followed by items that assess textually implicit inferences and those that address literal comprehension. Limitations of the question model as well as its relation to a low prevalence of items requiring critical analysis are discussed.
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