The Neoconcrete egg




Egg, Neoconcretism, Nature, Culture


The article reflects on the peculiar interest that a sector of neoconcrete art seemed to manifest regarding the centrality attributed to the figure of the “egg” and its correlates in the biological and vital plan.  This small embryonic antechamber has a complex architecture and a dynamic gestational occupation, which serves as a privileged archetype for aesthetic practices that emerged whitin the artistic production of brazilian Neoconcretism, notably in the works of Lygia Clark, Lygia Pape and Hélio Oiticica. By resorting to contemporary philosophical hypothesis regarding the problems raised by the embryonic agency of the egg in representative tought, based on the reflections of Gilles Deleuze and Peter Sloterdijk, it is intended to suggest the way in which these artists where responsible for shuffling the poles traditionally atributed to nature and culture, contributing to the tension of one of the most fundamental binomials whitin Western tought.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Rodrigues, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Mestrando em Filosofia pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), sob orientação do Prof. Dr. Celso Fernando Favaretto. Possui bacharelado em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP) - Campus de Marília. Tem especialidade nas áreas de Estética e História da Arte, com ênfase em Arte Moderna e Contemporânea. Atualmente desenvolve um projeto de pesquisa cujo título é "A vanguarda indecidível: o problema da neovanguarda artística entre o moderno e o contemporâneo".



How to Cite

Rodrigues, L. (2023). The Neoconcrete egg. O Mosaico, 16(1).