Online Music Therapy services for a group of older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic

experience report


  • Mauro Anastacio
  • Ana Carolina Rodrigues de Camargo Domingos



music therapy, gerontology, covid-19, virtual service


In early 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. In this scenario, social distancing was one of the main measures to be adopted. However, the population o folder adults complained more about loneliness, associated with a feeling of loss and lack of control. One of the possible actions was the adaptation of face-to-face activities to the virtual context, including group Music Therapy sessions. This report intends to narrate the process of adapting face-to-face music therapy services to groups of older adults to the virtual scenario during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the process, was visible the need to include demands related to social isolation. Among the difficulties identified, we mention the lack of accessibility to technologies and the physiological limitations of the participants. Among the opportunities we mention the maintenance of the bond, the different learning related to technologies and the greater participation of family members and caregivers.


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