Still Life with Silence

Visualizações: 262


  • Agustín Castilla-Ávila Instituto Katarina Gurska de Investigaciones Artísticas | Spain



silêncio, músca gráfica, still life


In my opinion, in a loud world, in which we live today, silence has the value music used to have traditionally. Which consequences can my beliefs have in my work as a composer? How can I convey as an artist this interchange of the value of music and the value of silence? What can I do as an artist with this value and how can it be represented on the musical graphic score? In this article, I will explain up-to-date about my graphic works “Still Life with Silence” (Still-Leben mit Stille) and analyze some aspects and elements used.


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Biografia do Autor

Agustín Castilla-Ávila, Instituto Katarina Gurska de Investigaciones Artísticas | Spain

Agustín Castilla-Ávila worked as a composer in Europe, Asia and USA. His music was conducted by D. Russell-Davies, J. Kalitzke, T. Ceccherini, A. Soriano, H. Lintu and H. Schellenberger among others. He has written solo and chamber music, orchestral, theater plays, choreographies and five chamber operas. He has published for Doblinger Verlag, Bergmann Edition, Mackinger Verlag, Da Vinci Edition, Verlag Neue Musik and Joachin Trekel. His music has been recorded on sixteen CDs and three DVDs. In 2013 he was awarded by the Region of Salzburg with the Music Jahresstipendium. He is president of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Ekmelische Musik in Salzburg and director of the symposium “Mikrotöne: Small is beautiful” (Editions 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021) in Salzburg. He has lectured more than a hundred times in thirty countries, including at universities such as Juilliard School in New York, Mozarteum in Salzburg, Yong Siew To Conservatory in Singapore, Boston University, etc. He is currently visiting professor at the Instituto de Investigaciones Artísticas Katarina Gurska in Spain. His exhibition "Still Life with Silence" was shown in countries such as Japan, Ukraine, Austria, Spain, Portugal, USA, Mexico, etc. E-mail:


BARTOS, Katarzyna. Fonochromie Blog: Musical still lifes by Agustín Castilla-Ávila. Retrived from Accessed: 23rd October. 2021.

CASTILLA-ÁVILA, Agustín. Still Life with Silence. 2008-2021(Scores), 32 pages. Different instrumentation.

CASTILLA-ÁVILA, Agustín. Still-Leben mit Stille: Fábrica da Criatividade. Castelo Branco, Portugal. Retrieved from Accessed: 23rd October. 2021.

CASTILLA-ÁVILA, Agustín. Still-Leben mit Stille: Municipal Gallery Kharkov, Ukraine. Retrieved from Accessed: 23rd October. 2021.

CASTILLA-ÁVILA, Agustín. Still-Leben mit Stille: Zeit Gallery, “Vides Deja” Festival 2020. Līgatne, Latvia. Retrieved from Accessed: 23rd October. 2021.

CASTILLA-ÁVILA, Agustín. Still-Leben mit Stille/Still Life with Silence. Mackingerverlag, 2018.

CASTILLA-ÁVILA, Agustín. The Value of Music and the Value of Silence. In Research on Contemporary Composition Conference. University of North Georgia, 2017.

DIARIO. 039, p. 2 (1912-02-13). Retrieved from Accessed: 23rd October. 2021.

GRATZER,Wolfgang. Über musikalische Polyciopie und Demokratisierung, Agustín Castilla-Ávila (Salzburg) im Gespräch mit Wolfgang Gratzer. In Proben-Prozesse. Br: Rombach Freiburg 2018

MACKINGER, Herbert. Grafiken – Agustín Castilla-Ávila. Retrieved from Accessed: 23rd October. 2021.

ZAPPA, Frank. Lumpy Gravy - Lumpy Gravy II (prosinec 1967, 15:50 min.). Retrieved 23 oct. 2021.




Como Citar

Castilla-Ávila, A. (2022). Still Life with Silence. Revista Vórtex, 10(2), 1–19.



