New Findings of Sicilian Folk Songs in Luciano Berio´s Naturale

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  • Leonardo Piermartiri Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina



This paper gathers and analyzes information concerning Naturale, a work written by Luciano Berio in 1985 for viola, percussion and recorded voice, based on Sicilian folk songs. Several aspects surrounding Naturale's creation are taken into consideration in this study: Berio's compositional style and traits, the manner in which he relates his works one to another, what he sees in folk music and his own personal desire to intertwine art music and folk music. For Berio, Naturale is not an isolated venture into the realm of mixing folk music and his own avant-garde style; it is instead one of many works resulting from his long-standing relationship with folk music. Another essential aspect in this case is the study of the sources used by Berio to find the folk songs by which he was inspired. An interview with Maestro Aldo Bennici, the Sicilian violist for whom Naturale was composed, helped in the discovery of the usage of two more folk songs in a section of the piece, being their identification suggested in this paper.


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Biografía del autor/a

Leonardo Piermartiri, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Leonardo Piermartiri has been adjunct professor of Violin and Viola at UDESC (Santa Catarina State University) since 2003. He received his Bachelor's degree on violin from EMBAP (Paraná´s School of Music and Fine Arts) and also took regular lesson´s from professor Paulo Bosisio at Rio de Janeiro. During the twelve years he lived in the United States he focused on the viola and earned his Master of Music degree from the University of Cincinnati receiving scholarship from the VITAE Foundation, and subsequently studied two years at the Cleveland Institute of Music Professional Studies program. He earned his Doctoral of Musical Arts degree from the University of Maryland studying with Katherine Murdock where he focused on the work of Luciano Berio. Leonardo coordinates the UDESC´s outreach program called "Conexão Musical" that foments the creation of new repertoire, concerts and masterclasses for the viola. E-mail:


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Cómo citar

Piermartiri, L. (2018). New Findings of Sicilian Folk Songs in Luciano Berio´s Naturale. Revista Vórtex, 6(2).