Still Life with Silence
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Silence, Graphic Music, Still LifeResumen
In my opinion, in a loud world, in which we live today, silence has the value music used to have traditionally. Which consequences can my beliefs have in my work as a composer? How can I convey as an artist this interchange of the value of music and the value of silence? What can I do as an artist with this value and how can it be represented on the musical graphic score? In this article, I will explain up-to-date about my graphic works “Still Life with Silence” (Still-Leben mit Stille) and analyze some aspects and elements used.
BARTOS, Katarzyna. Fonochromie Blog: Musical still lifes by Agustín Castilla-Ávila. Retrived from Accessed: 23rd October. 2021.
CASTILLA-ÁVILA, Agustín. Still Life with Silence. 2008-2021(Scores), 32 pages. Different instrumentation.
CASTILLA-ÁVILA, Agustín. Still-Leben mit Stille: Fábrica da Criatividade. Castelo Branco, Portugal. Retrieved from Accessed: 23rd October. 2021.
CASTILLA-ÁVILA, Agustín. Still-Leben mit Stille: Municipal Gallery Kharkov, Ukraine. Retrieved from Accessed: 23rd October. 2021.
CASTILLA-ÁVILA, Agustín. Still-Leben mit Stille: Zeit Gallery, “Vides Deja” Festival 2020. Līgatne, Latvia. Retrieved from Accessed: 23rd October. 2021.
CASTILLA-ÁVILA, Agustín. Still-Leben mit Stille/Still Life with Silence. Mackingerverlag, 2018.
CASTILLA-ÁVILA, Agustín. The Value of Music and the Value of Silence. In Research on Contemporary Composition Conference. University of North Georgia, 2017.
DIARIO. 039, p. 2 (1912-02-13). Retrieved from Accessed: 23rd October. 2021.
GRATZER,Wolfgang. Über musikalische Polyciopie und Demokratisierung, Agustín Castilla-Ávila (Salzburg) im Gespräch mit Wolfgang Gratzer. In Proben-Prozesse. Br: Rombach Freiburg 2018
MACKINGER, Herbert. Grafiken – Agustín Castilla-Ávila. Retrieved from Accessed: 23rd October. 2021.
ZAPPA, Frank. Lumpy Gravy - Lumpy Gravy II (prosinec 1967, 15:50 min.). Retrieved 23 oct. 2021.
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Derechos de autor 2022 Agustín Castilla-Ávila
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