Some Thoughts on Rhythm - Prologue of Alice Arztz's book "Rhythmic Mastery"

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Sergio Abreu, Alice Arztz, Rhythm, Music, Origins


When we think about finding treasures, we think about a long journey where hidden and unattainable sort of valuable things rest at the end. But, sometimes, the treasures are just in front of us, at the journey's first step. The latter is the case when we read Alice Artztz's book "Rhythmic Mastery." In her book, we find a treasure map on the third page, the acknowledgments page. Our guide, Alice Artzt, instructs us: "I would like to thank Sergio Abreu for his extensive advice during the writing of this book and for his invaluable collaboration on the Prologue." So we have the prologue "Some Thoughts on Rhythm," written by Alice Artztz and Sergio Abreu. There is our treasure, just at the beginning of this great book. And such a cultural treasure must be brought to light and shared. That is the reason for translating the prologue to Portuguese. 


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Author Biography

Angel Tateishi, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Angel Akio Tateishi possui doutorado em Física pela Universidade de Maringá (UEM), com estágio de doutorado sanduíche no Complex Systems Research Group na Medical University of Vienna (2013). Desde 2014 é professor efetivo da Universidade Tecnológica Federal (câmpus Pato Branco). Suas principais áreas de pesquisa são: mecânica estátistica, física-matemática, sistemas complexos e difusão anômala.  Na área de música, se formou no curso Técnico em Música (2008) também pela UEM, onde estudou violão com Marcos W. de Godoy e Roberto A. Baldassi. Como não é músico de profissão, desde 2018 tem estudado (sem pressão) violão todo dia, apenas com o simples objetivo de estudar todo dia. ORCID: Email:


ARTZT, Alice. Rhythmic Mastery: An imaginative guide for guitarists. North America: Chanterelle, 1992.



How to Cite

Tateishi, A., & Artzt, A. (2023). Some Thoughts on Rhythm - Prologue of Alice Arztz’s book "Rhythmic Mastery". Vortex Music Journal, 11(2), 1–8.



Dossier “Homage to Sérgio Abreu: guitar, contexts, practices and characters”
